Diigo Bookmarks 03/28/2020
- Downloads of Industry-Standard Accessibility Rules Accelerate | Deque
"Deque Systems, a leading software company specializing in digital accessibility, announced today that axe-core, the most comprehensive and widely-deployed open-source library of accessibility rules, has exceeded 33 million downloads, lately averaging one million downloads every week."
- Emergency Website Kit | Max Böck - Frontend Web Developer
"I've written about the practice of publishing minimal "text-only" versions of critical news websites before and I think it makes a lot of sense to rely on the rule of least power for these things. When it comes to resilience, you just can't beat static HTML."
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Apple and CDC
"This tool can help you understand what to do next about COVID-19."
- Accessible UI Component Libraries Roundup • Digital A11Y
"Here is a list of accessible UI components that you can use for your next project."
- Podcasting Setup 2020 - Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's Blog
"This whole list might sound overwhelming and makes it scary to start a podcast, but this is the setup I've arrived after doing the podcast for 7 years."
- Styling Scrollbars with CSS: The Modern Way to Style Scrollbars
"How do we style scrollbars considering there isn't a single, authoritative API? Just combine both approaches!"