Diigo Bookmarks 03/21/2020
- Neumorphism and CSS | CSS-Tricks
"We've already established that the defining quality of neumorphism is a blend of minimalism and skeuomorphism. And that's a good way to look at it."
- Maintaining Performance - daverupert.com
"I find that Web Performance isn't particularly difficult once you understand the levers you can pull; reduce kilobytes, reduce requests, unblock rendering, defer scripts. But maintaining performance that's a different story entirely..."
- My findings after browsing the web without a User-Agent header for one week - Web Platform News
"While I do think that the web would become a better place if browsers stopped including the User-Agent header in HTTP requests, I do not feel strongly about it. Most of all, I'm interested to know if the web development community agrees on the answers to my questions."
- Introducing a simpler, more organized Slack | The Official Slack Blog
"users on paid plans will be able to organize their channels, direct messages and apps into customizable sections within their sidebar."
- The new school is YouTube. The new student is autodidact. - DESK Magazine
"At least at this point in the digital age, schools have a completely outdated way of teaching and preparing young people for their professional career. Especially if this career is part of the new technology movement."
- Eleventy's New Performance Leaderboard--zachleat.com
"Eleventy doesn't do any special optimizations out of the box to make your sites fast. It doesn't protect you from making a slow site. But importantly it also doesn't add anything extra either."