Diigo Bookmarks 02/18/2020
- Understanding CSS Grid: Grid Template Areas -- Smashing Magazine
"In a new series, Rachel Andrew breaks down the CSS Grid Layout specification. This time, we take a look at how to use grid-template-areas to place items."
- How I built my own browser | Kilian Valkhof
"Around the same time I was playing around with Electron, a framework that allowed you to make desktop applications with web technologies. I decided to develop a prototype that allowed me to see the same website in multiple viewports side by side just like my layout in Sketch."
- Let's Define CSS 4 · Issue #4770 · w3c/csswg-drafts
"Grouping together a series of accepted improvements into a single CSS 4, and telling browser makers to support THAT, would cut down on the impossibility of supporting everything correctly that frustrates browser engineers, and the lack of respect for HTML and CSS that pervades our current culture."
- Variable fonts' past, present and future, according to Dalton Maag
"Variable font technology is actually not that new. Adobe and Apple independently developed multiple master fonts and GX variations in the early 1990s, both were axis-based technologies similar to variable fonts."
- Why JavaScript is Eating HTML | CSS-Tricks
"HTML was originally designed for static documents, and in order to add more complex interactive functionality to those documents, imperative JavaScript has to keep track of more things and become more confusing and fragile."
- A Complete Guide to Links and Buttons | CSS-Tricks
"There is a lot to know about links and buttons in HTML. There is markup implementation and related attributes, styling best practices, things to avoid, and the even-more-nuanced cousins of the link: buttons and button-like inputs."