Diigo Bookmarks 01/03/2020
- Because, colors are beautiful - _carbondesign - Medium
"IBM clients like governments and educational institutions depend on IBM to uphold WCAG standards, so we make accessibility a high priority in our color palette. This helps us maintain trust with our clients and users and reduce the risk of lawsuits by avoiding violations."
- 7 requirements of a holistic Design System - UX Collective
"Design guidelines and style guides, are static guidelines (non-editable in principle). A great example is the beautiful NASA "Graphics Standards Manual". Style guides and UI toolkits, provide the building blocks and design elements, along with guidance, theory and principles behind components and its usage."
- How I Made 30000€ In 3️ Months By Quitting My Job
"The point I tell this story is to motivate other developers to take a step back, invest in themselves and eventually it will pay up."
- Making Tables Responsive With Minimal CSS · Ugly Duck
"Update (Oct 2019): @aardrian wrote a previous post about how changing the display properties on tables can impact screen readers. I highly recommend his excellent article Tables, CSS Display Properties, and ARIA"
- Workflow Considerations for Using an Image Management Service | CSS-Tricks
"So you use some service to help you deliver images better. Smart. Many of them will make managing and optimizing images a lot easier. But I don't consider them a no-brainer. There is a lot to think about, like making choices that don't paint you into a corner."
- How CSS Grid changes the way we think about structuring our content
"it's so nice to look at only the CSS of a parent element and immediately understand what that entire layout is going to look like."