Diigo Bookmarks 11/06/2019
- Wanted: disabled developers to help improve tooling accessibilty | Christian Heilmann
"This is to ensure that the developer tools are accessible. We are also working on tools to make it easier for developers to test the accessibility of their products."
- Supporting the Design Phase with Accessibility Heuristics Evaluations | Deque
"The accessibility heuristics we've designed to shift left use the same heuristics methodology as Nielsen and Molich and specifically evaluate design assets for accessibility."
- What I've learned about accessibility in SPAs | Read the Tea Leaves
"Why rely on classes and styles, which might change if you redesign your app, when you can instead rely on the semantic attributes, which are guaranteed to stay the same?"
- Design better buttons - UX Collective
"Everything you need to know to have this important interface element go next level."
- A Design System Governance Process
"A "snowflake", which is a one-off component that only really pertains to one specific product or use case (such as a mortgage calculator, a super intricate and specific data visualization, or any component that feels especially challenging to abstract into a general-use component)"
- JavaScript isn't always available and it's not the user's fault by Adam Silver | Designer, London, UK.
"Here I'll jot down all of the reasons users experience sites as if they don't have JavaScript and at the end I'll explain what we can do about it."
- Designing the Facebook Company Brand
"The new company branding is designed to help us better represent the diversity of products we build, establish distinction from the Facebook app and communicate our purpose in the world."
- A Book Apart, Expressive Design Systems
"In Expressive Design Systems, Yesenia Perez-Cruz shows you how to build useful, dependable systems that not only maintain harmony across your products, but also flex to accommodate inspiration and experimentation. Learn to communicate your brand, collaborate across teams--and do so much more than standardize components."