Diigo Bookmarks 11/02/2019
- Official Google Webmaster Central Blog [EN]: Goodbye, Flash
"Flash is disabled by default in Chrome (starting in version 76), Microsoft Edge, and FireFox 69. Soon, we'll also move on from Flash in indexing for Google Search."
- Introducing Progressive Web Apps to Samsung Galaxy Store
"Now called "install web app" a down-arrow indicator appears in the URL bar when the web app can be installed to the device. This smooths the path between the Web and installed web apps."
- Oslo is where two of the world's browser engines were born. Let's celebrate World Browser Day - Blog | Opera News
"Waldemar Thranes gate 98 was home to not just one, but two of the rendering engines that power our browsers. In the history of the web, Geneva is the birthplace, Urbana-Champaign is the kindergarten, and Oslo is the racetrack where two ultra-fast competing rendering engines were developed."
- Section 508 Conformance: A Need-to-Know Guide | The Paciello Group (TPG) - The Accessibility Experts
"If either previously mentioned scenario applies to your company, there are a few things you'll have to do to conform to Section 508. We can break it into two parts: making your digital assets accessible and demonstrating this accessibility via a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)."
- Laying the Foundations -- A Book About Design Systems
"What's unique about this book is its focus on the importance of brand in design systems and creating documentation. It's a comprehensive, practical guide that's simple to follow and easy on the eye."
- A Business Case for Dropping Internet Explorer | CSS-Tricks
"All current browsers support ECMAScript 2015 (the latest version of JavaScript) -- and have done so for quite some time. Transpiling JavaScript down to an older (and slower) version is still common across the industry, but at this point in time is needed only for Internet Explorer."
- Should We Rebrand JavaScript?
"Most people refer to JavaScript by its acronym, anyway. It matches the official file extension. And we could turn that ubiquitous black-on-yellow community logo into the official emblem and not have to remake all our merchandise."