Diigo Bookmarks 10/25/2019
- Chromium Blog: Automatically lazy-loading offscreen images & iframes for Lite mode users
"In Chrome 77, Chrome Android users with Lite Mode (Data Saver) enabled will benefit from native lazy-loading of images and iframes automatically."
- Smithsonian Air and Space Museum Acquires Japanese Moon Rover | Space
"Sorato's company, ispace, donated the rover to the museum to encourage future generations to carry on with exploration, the company said."
- Emoji Frequency - Unicode
"How does the Unicode Consortium choose which new emoji to add to the Unicode Standard? One important factor is data about how frequently current emoji are used. Patterns of usage help to inform decisions about future emoji."
- Why Are Accessible Websites so Hard to Build? | CSS-Tricks
"what if our text editors caught accessibility issues and showed them to us during development?"
- Spectrum, Adobe's design system
"Spectrum provides components and tools to help product teams work more efficiently, and to make Adobe's applications more cohesive."
- Neon Genesis Evangelion - Fonts In Use
"Graphic designer Peiran Tan plumbs the typographic psyche of the celebrated anime franchise."
- How to Measure Learnability of a User Interface
"To measure learnability, determine your metric, gather your data, and plot the averages on a line curve. Analyze the learning curve by looking at its slope and its plateau."