Diigo Bookmarks 10/15/2019
- We're not designing for screens -- Tanner Christensen
"Digital workers--particularly designers, researchers, and writers--would do well to remember that everything we do that exists behind a screen is only valuable in so far as what it adds to the world outside the screen."
- Culrs Mac App | Thoughtfully crafted color palettes in your Mac
"Culrs is a mac app where colors that work together are curated and fashioned into quality palettes that you can incorporate. No more racking your brain to find the right color combinations! it's just cmd+e away"
- CSS Containment Module Level 1
"This CSS module describes the contain property, which indicates that the element's subtree is independent of the rest of the page. This enables heavy optimizations by user agents when used well."
- The "P" in Progressive Enhancement stands for "Pragmatism" - Andy Bell
"With a Progressive Enhancement mindset, support actually means support. We're not trying to create an identical experience: we're creating a viable experience instead."
- "The Hot Potato Process," an article by Dan Mall
"The big misconception I've seen designers and developers often fall victim to is believing that handoff goes one way. Designers hand off comps to developers and think their work is done. That puts a lot of pressure on the designer to get everything perfect in one pass."
- Stop Using Sticky Navigation on Mobile · Ugly Duck
"Every time you implement one of these components, somewhere in the world a puppy dies. Seriously - don't be part of the problem and build these things."
- Deque Systems Announces Availability of axe Pro | Deque
"Axe Pro builds upon the strengths of Deque's open source axe accessibility rules engine by enabling developers to conduct intelligent guided tests, based on simple question-answer interactions that don't require additional accessibility expertise."