Diigo Bookmarks 10/12/2019
- Images Are Not Static Content | CSS-Tricks
"A purpose-built image CDN will relieve humans of the responsibility of trying to accommodate all possible combinations of image formats, sizes and compression levels. Managing image derivatives, is not a task for humans as it will quickly grow to become unmanageable."
- The Evolution of Web Content Management | Remote Synthesis
"tie the JAMStack into a headless CMS and you end up with the best of both worlds. You get the comfort simplicity of the old web in terms of content creation - similar to static templates before enterprise CMS systems complicated front-end development - with the comfort of the content editing experience that non-technical content creators and editors need."
- Avoid 100vh On Mobile Web | chanind.github.io
"The core issue is that mobile browsers (I'm looking at you, Chrome and Safari) have a "helpful" feature where the address bar is sometimes visible and sometimes hidden, changing the visible size of the viewport."
- Interview with a Pornhub Web Developer
"The fact that porn will never die is reassuring for job stability as well!"
- The term "Responsive Web Design" has failed - Frances Berriman
"What's lacking about the responsive web design story is it has always focussed so heavily on the visual, dimensional, aspects of digital design."
- Critical Security Issue identified in iTerm2 as part of Mozilla Open Source Audit | Mozilla Security Blog
"During the audit, ROS identified a critical vulnerability in the tmux integration feature of iTerm2; this vulnerability has been present in iTerm2 for at least 7 years."
- ASPIRE: Ideals to Aspire to When Building Websites | Filament Group, Inc.
Accessible / Secure / Performant / Inclusive / Responsive / Ethical