Diigo Bookmarks 10/10/2019
- Patterns for Practical CSS Custom Properties Use | CSS-Tricks
"I find that CSS variables usage tends to fall into categories. Of course, you're free to use CSS variables however you like, but thinking of them in these different categories might help you understand the different ways in which they can be used."
- The box model is not layout | Kilian Valkhof
"I think we want them to behave as if their artboards or their frames had a layout engine. Where if we updated a single element, the rest of the elements would be updated to "reflow" depending on the changes, and all of the tedious moving of elements across all artboards would be done for us."
- A Breakdown of HTML Usage Across ~8 Million Pages (& What It Means for Modern SEO) - Moz
"Not long ago, my colleagues and I at Advanced Web Ranking came up with an HTML study based on about 8 million index pages gathered from the top twenty Google results for more than 30 million keywords."
- If Google says H1s don't matter for rankings, why should you use them? Here's why - Search Engine Land"All John Mueller is saying is that Google can usually figure out what's important on a page even when you're not using headings or heading hierarchies."
- The internet is an unwelcoming place to the disabled -- Quartz
"A 2016 Microsoft-funded investigation about the economic value of accessible technologies to companies suggests several advantages for employees from increased talent diversity, boost in productivity, and increased retention. For customers, showing a company cares about accessibility engenders loyalty and generates repeat business."
- Some Hands-On with the HTML Dialog Element | CSS-Tricks
"Chrome's got it (37+), so Edge is about to get it. Firefox has the User-Agent (UA) styles in place (69+), but the functionality is behind a dom.dialog_element.enabled flag. Even with the flag, it doesn't look like we get the CSS stuff yet. No support from Safari."
- U.S. Supreme Court Won't Hear The Domino's Case (Hooray!) - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
"Great news for advocates of digital inclusion for people with disabilities! Today the United States Supreme Court rejected Domino's Pizza's efforts to overturn the Ninth Circuit federal appeals court opinion in the Domino's web and mobile accessibility case."