Diigo Bookmarks 09/24/2019
- Q&A With Makoto Ueki, Director, Infoaxia, Inc. | Equal Entry
"I got motivated to let every single web professional know accessibility and the potential of the Web."
- 10Investigates: Florida, a hotbed for ADA web compliance lawsuits | wtsp.com
"There's no time period to fix the fact the site is not in compliance. Cleary believes these lawsuits are being filed at a high rate by lawyers who don't care if the site becomes compliant. He says it's more about the money."
- Smoother & sharper shadows with layered box-shadows | Tobias Ahlin
"Look at how square and clumsy the default box-shadow effect (first box) looks compared to the layered box-shadow (second box). We can achieve this effect by creating multiple box-shadows (separating each shadow with a comma), and increasing the offset and blur for every shadow (the box-shadow syntax is X-offset Y-offset blur color)"
- Yahoo -- Story -- Pentagram
"As with the original logo, the new identity captures the voice of a brand named after an exclamation of joy and discovery, and still looks like it should be shouted or yodeled ("yahoOOOOoooo!"). The repeating circles of the "a," "o"s and the dot on the exclamation point echo of the audio mnemonic of the yodel."
- Variable fonts & the new Google Fonts API | Responsive Web Typography
"While I was at ATypI Tokyo a couple weeks ago, Google had some big announcements (I covered those a bit last week). The new version of their API was particularly great to hear, as this marks the first support for using variable fonts on their platform."
- The story of the "climate stripes" temperature visualization
"The climate stripes illustrate the global average temperature for every year since 1850 in the form of a colored stripe. Shades of blue represent cooler years and red, warmer years. The overall effect is a striking trend toward hotter temperatures in recent decades, as a result of human-caused climate change."
- Adactio: Journal--Geneva Copenhagen Amsterdam
"The experience helped me clarify in my own mind what was exciting and interesting about the birth of the web--how much has changed, and how much and stayed the same."