Diigo Bookmarks 08/23/2019
- What is Sustainable Web Design?
"Mightybytes has identified four key areas where sustainability principles can be applied to the process of creating websites that are speedy, user-friendly and energy-efficient."
- Enhancing The Clickable Area Size
"It's not always possible to make the clickable area larger by just changing the width and height of an element or using padding. Well, pseudo elements to the rescue!"
- Should we still be selling responsive web design? | Browser London
"we're now building digital products in a more flexible, module-driven way, and we have better tools now than five years ago that make working like this easy. We're designing at the modular level, rather than the screen size level, and we're moving to a more declarative approach. It's still responsive web design, we're just responding to a subtly different stimulus."
- Optional HTML: Everything You Need to Know · Jens Oliver Meiert
"This article gives an overview over everything optional other than extraneous whitespace and anything standard minifiers handle because there's much to omit and it's good for us."
- Lazy load embedded YouTube videos - DEV Community
"That is over 500KB that my users would have to download on top of the website, regardless if they'll watch the video. Do you have any idea how heavy this might hit your users, specially the ones with slow connection or low performing machines?"
- The Making of an Animated Favicon | CSS-Tricks
"During each interval, once the drawing is done in the canvas, it's quickly translated to a PNG image to be assigned as the favicon."