Diigo Bookmarks 08/22/2019
- Documentation: <amp-script> - amp.dev
"The amp-script component allows you run custom JavaScript to render UI elements, such as a React component."
- Introducing Microsoft Edge Beta: Be one of the first to try it now | Windows Experience Blog
"To date, there have been more than one million downloads of our preview builds, across all supported versions of Windows and Mac, from which we have received more than 140,000 individual pieces of feedback."
- Iframes are just terrible. Here's how they could be better.
"Because fundamentally: the idea of cross-domain embeddable components is actually pretty useful once you start talking about shareable user experiences, rather than just user-tracking and advertizing which are obviously pills nobody enjoys swallowing."
- Custom elements for the immersive web
"Just include the Javascript bundle on your page and you could start using both elements in your HTML: <img-360> and . You just need to provide them with a 360 image or video and the custom elements will do the rest, including detecting WebVR support."
- Efficiently load third-party JavaScript | web.dev
"This post explains how to optimize the loading process of third-party scripts with the following techniques: Using the async or defer attribute on <script> tags / Establishing early connections to required origins / Lazy-loading / Optimizing how you serve third-party scripts"
- Lazy load embedded YouTube videos | CSS-Tricks
"The trick is rooted in srcdoc, a feature of <iframe> where you can put the entire contents of an HTML document in the attribute. It's like inline styling but an inline-entire-documenting sort of thing."
- CSS Can Do This... And It's Terrifying! | LINQ to Fail
"Who doesn't love themselves a liberal usage of Emoji's throughout their work? Well did you know that you can use Emoji as the class names in CSS? According to the spec they are technically valid"