Diigo Bookmarks 07/15/2019
- Homerun's guide to Diversity & Inclusion
"Just one more thing -- remember that there are no quick fixes or shortcuts when it comes to real change. Becoming diverse and inclusive will cost you some time, but it'll be worth every minute."
- BBC case study: proving Return on Investment (ROI) from accessibility - Hassell Inclusion
"Jonathan's team believed that by improving the accessibility of BBC websites this would maximise the sites' audience and so improve their cost per user reached."
- IndieWeb and Webmentions | CSS-Tricks
"Don't tweet, but instead write a short blog post and auto-post it to Twitter. Don't blog on Medium, but instead write on your own blog and plop it over to Medium. Like that. In that way, you're getting the value of those services without giving anything up."
- Animating with Clip-Path | CSS-Tricks
"We're going to dive right into clip-path in this article, specifically looking at how we can use it to create pretty complex animations. I hope you'll see just how awesome the property and it's shape-shifting powers can be."
- How to improve your mobile UIs by learning from personal touch patterns
"Example of deriving GUI guidelines from offset patterns: The plots show the recommended minimum diameter of circular buttons, based on predicting expected touch locations with offset models. Models are trained on data from our study with 28 people using a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 phone."
- Usablenet - 3 Key Ways Accessibility Overlays Fall Short
"Overlay vendors fix only the easy stuff leaving big accessibility gaps. / Overlays override users existing assistive technology such as a screen reader. / Overlays lack WCAG conformance certainty."