Diigo Bookmarks 06/17/2019
- Why we prefer CSS Custom Properties to SASS variables | CodyHouse
"Unlike SASS variables, custom properties 1) are scoped to the element they are declared on, 2) cascade and 3) can be manipulated in JavaScript. These three features open a whole new world of possibilities."
- Write HTML Like It's 1999 · Bradley Taunt
"To be clear, I'm not advocating for creating projects that look like they belong in the 1990s. I would just prefer developers / designers be more conscious of their HTML skeleton."
- The State of CSS 2019
"Parenting books won't help much with this one, but that's where we come in: we've surveyed over 10,000 developers in this first ever State of CSS survey. So join us to find out which CSS features are used the most, which tools are gaining adoption, and much more."
- Keep it simple - Andy Bell
"Always remember that JavaScript is incredibly expensive, so if your app requires it to be accessible, ask yourself what if something goes wrong? What if there is a runtime error? What if someone is on a poor connection? Do these people get an accessible experience? Probably not."
- Bruce Lawson's personal site : Why would a screen reader user have a braille display?
"Of course free screen readers are an enormous boon, but each person has their own reasons for choosing their assistive technologies. Accessibility isn't a technological problem to be solved. It's an essential part of the human condition: we all have different needs and abilities."
- Using Hamburger Menus? Try Sausage Links · Bradley Taunt
"The point of this post isn't to blow your mind with some new-never-thought-of navigation design. I'm just trying to bring awareness to another available menu concept."
- Apollo 11 in Real-time
"A real-time interactive journey through the Apollo 11 mission. Relive every moment as it occurred in 1969."