Diigo Bookmarks 06/11/2019
- The perils of functional CSS (atomic CSS) | Browser London
"if you're not great with CSS and struggle to come up with appropriate abstractions, or if you don't have a dedicated front-end team to handle this end of things, I can see how functional CSS would be useful."
- The new Mac Pro is a design remix
"That device is what we got to see a glimpse of this week. It's not a radical shift like what its previous generation attempted, but instead a return to form. In fact, it's heavily inspired by many of Apple's past products."
- The problem with web components by Adam Silver, designer based in London, UK.
"even if we choose to provide enhancements exclusively for cutting edge browsers that support them, there's still several limitations and issues we need to tackle."
- graphitemaster/breaking_the_physical_limits_of_fonts: Breaking the physical limits of fonts
"How small can a font really go? How many bytes of memory would you need (to store it and run it?) How much code would it take to express it?"
- Why Text Buttons Hurt Mobile Usability
"All caps text buttons are harder to read, especially for dyslexic users. Users rely on the shape of letters to identify words. Uppercase letters don't have contrasting ascenders and descenders, making words harder to recognize."
- Target Size and 2.5.5 | Adrian Roselli
"44 pixels is probably a good minimum, given that it or a value near it is consistently recommended across experts, standards, and platforms."
- UI cheat sheets: buttons - UX Collective
"Option B shows the primary button on the right. The argument here is that we want the user to see the secondary button first so that they know their options before they continue. Items placed on the right also indicate continuation."