Diigo Bookmarks 05/03/2019
- Owning it: browser compatibility data and open source governance - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
"In 2019, we have an ambitious goal: get 100% real data for Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Safari, mobile Safari, and mobile Chrome for all Web platform features."
- AMP as your web framework - The AMP Blog
"As announced by AMP's tech lead Malte at AMP Conf, AMP is now just AMP, and does not stand for Accelerated Mobile Pages anymore (if you must have an expanded form, how about Awesome Magical Power)."
- Under pressure in the UK, how popular are Huawei smartphones? - mobiForge
"The below image from Bloomberg shows that the countries who have already banned Huawei make up nearly a third of the world's GDP."
- Adactio: Journal--Frameworking
"My worry is that there are people working in front-end development who aren't putting that level of thought into their technology choices, but are instead using a particular framework because it's what they're used to."
- [various] Holistic review/proposal of color-modifying things · Issue #3807 · w3c/csswg-drafts
"Changed `supported-color-schemes` to `color-scheme` to follow the spec changes being tracked by: w3c/csswg-drafts#3807 The old `supported-color-schemes` is now an alias of `color-scheme` for compatibility."
- Happy Birthday WCAG -- Now You are Twenty! - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
"Less that a year after the announcement of WCAG 1.0, Bank of America became the first organization in the United States to sign an agreement with its blind customers that committed the financial institution to using the new standard."
- Making Web Components for Different Contexts | CSS-Tricks
"When you find yourself working with them, perhaps the single thing you can take away from this post is to consider whether they are intended for a closed context or a standard context"