Diigo Bookmarks 04/05/2019
- Animation Performance 101: Browser Under the Hood | Viget
"1. Avoid triggering the top of the rendering waterfall. 2. Avoid the main thread. 3. Take advantage of the compositor thread and GPU. Let's put it all together -- the most performant way to animate is with CSS keyframe animations or transitions on transform and opacity only."
- Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: User experience improvements with page speed in mobile search
"For the slowest one-third of traffic, we saw user-centric performance metrics improve by 15% to 20% in 2018. As a comparison, no improvement was seen in 2017. We observed improvements across the whole web ecosystem. On a per country basis, more than 95% of countries had improved speeds."
- Accessibility for Vestibular Disorders: How My Temporary Disability Changed My Perspective · An A List Apart Article
"I really wish I wouldn't have to say this in 2019...but please, please use semantic tags. Correct conversational semantics allow your website to be displayed in Reader Mode, and provide a better experience for users of screen readers. Again, accessibility is intersectional."
- Oddities in color perception | AlastairC
"Unfortunately we don't have the technology to include this factor in testing (yet), which is why the WCAG guidelines need to use a 'flat' difference in brightness between text (and important graphics) and the immediate background."
- Fixed Headers, On-Page Links, and Overlapping Content, Oh My! | CSS-Tricks
"There are a bunch of CSS properties that go together as part of CSS scroll snapping, but it turns out that scroll-padding and scroll-margin can be used outside of a scroll snapping container."
- The A+R model - Prototypr
"With the adaptive technique we will work on experiences and functionalities, making two different contexts. Withe the responsive one we handle the UI components and layouts which stand inside the contexts."