Diigo Bookmarks 04/04/2019
- accessible-app.com
"A showcase how to build inclusive web apps/SPAs/PWAs in different JavaScript frameworks, currently working on the VueJS part. When researching Web apps/Single Page Applications I found out that a resource like this doesn't really exist. So I started building one and blog about it"
- A warning about automated accessibility "warnings" | scottohara.me
"While it may seem daunting to be met with a large number of issues to "review", it's far better than receiving no guidance at all."
- Move Ya! Or maybe, don't, if the user prefers-reduced-motion! | Web | Google Developers
"Chrome 74 supports a user preference media query prefers-reduced-motion that lets you design a motion-reduced variant of your site for users who have expressed this preference."
- Dear Screen Reader Users, Since Web Developers Can't Automatically Detect If You're Using A Screen Reader, Why Don't You Just Hand That Data Over, The Apple Edition
"These settings, including the automatic opt-in, also apply to Mac OS Mojave, (OSX 10.14.4). This version of OSX was released on the same day as iOS 12.2."
- AMPproject.org moves to amp.dev! - AMPHTML Blog
"Additionally AMP resources were scattered across multiple websites like ampbyexample.com and ampstart.com. So we decided to bring everything together into something new, better organized and easier to use."
- Reiwa - JavaScript International Date Format and Japan's New Imperial Era - GirlieMac! Blog
"The ECMAScript Internationalization API was originally introduced in 2010, and currently in the 6th Edition, to help localize the output of dates, numbers, and currencies in Javascript. And this has been well supported by major browsers now."