Diigo Bookmarks 02/19/2019
- Museum of Failure | By Dr. Samuel West
"The majority of all innovation projects fail and the museum showcases these failures to provide visitors a fascinating learning experience. Every item provides unique insight into the risky business of innovation."
- Theming and currentColor - Paul Kinchla
"How do I apply our classes to elements that I can't directly apply classes to? This turns out to be a thrifty use case for the currentColor value in CSS. Using this value we can apply the current theme color to pseudo elements."
- Why I Write CSS in JavaScript
"Enhanced Teamwork: Avoid common CSS frustrations to keep a neat codebase and moving quickly, regardless of experience levels."
- Using CSS Grid the right way | hey it's violet
"Future-proofing -- Adding names makes your CSS more flexible. Specifically, you can iterate on .container without having to edit .content."
- 4 Reasons Why You Should Design Without Color First
"Creating your screens in grayscale before adding color forces you think clearly and prioritize right when it comes to UX design."
- How A Screen Reader User Accesses The Web: A Smashing Video -- Smashing Magazine
"In this Smashing TV webinar recording, join Léonie Watson (a blind screen reader user) as she explores the web, and find out about some unexpected properties of HTML elements that not only have a huge impact on accessibility, but also turn out to be pretty good for performance, too."
- How @supports Works | CSS-Tricks
"Notice the not operator in the first block. That's checking for browsers that do not support grid in order to apply certain styles to those browsers. The reason this approach is considered bad practice is that the browser support for @supports itself has to be considered!"