Diigo Bookmarks 12/31/2018
- ANDI - Accessibility Testing Tool - Install
"Launch ANDI by clicking on the favorite/bookmark labelled "ANDI" that was added to the Favorites/Bookmarks Bar in the browser's toolbar. ANDI will analyze the test page and appear on the page."
- Web components still need to be accessible - 24 Accessibility
"Developer convenience shouldn't take priority over user experience. While setting up web components will allow you to create pages and views quickly and efficiently, all of this fancy pre-configuration is lost on the end user."
- Inclusive Design in Norway's St. Olav's Hospital - CityLab
"Inclusive design is about mainstream solutions--not looking at any particular group, but just looking at the diversity of humankind, different life stages, who we are at different stages, and different abilities."
- When Empathy Isn't Enough - frog Voices - Medium
"Jackson posited that "empathetic designs are not intended for us, but rather to fix us. I don't really know if that's empathy." Finnegan adds "people only want to empathize with a very specific part of my experience. They only want to empathize with the hard things.""
- Line breaking - Florian Rivoal at dotCSS 2018
"Florian goes over a set of confusingly named properties and values from the css-text-3 specification that control what happens to white spaces when laying out text, and how line breaking works."
- What We Wished For -- Smashing Magazine
"That is, as long as little standards deviations and tiny, nagging bugs don't grow bigger over time -- thanks to the twin forces of entropy and complacency."