Diigo Bookmarks 12/22/2018
- Bruce Lawson's personal site : The practical value of semantic HTML
"Semantic HTML will give usability benefits to many users, help to future-proof your work, potentially boost your search engine results, and help people with disabilities use your site."
- Remove Background from Image - remove.bg
"Aside from the image file, remove.bg requires no further input: No selecting pixels, no marking persons, nothing."
- Build a PWA in Just 10 Minutes
"I just wanted to show you that a PWA isn't scary or complex. It is just a few simple steps that you need to perform on your existing web app, and you are good to go!"
- WebP image file sizes compared to equivalent Guetzli and Zopfli - Ctrl blog
"The conclusion here is to only bother with WebP for small JPEG files if you're not already processing your JPEGs with an optimizer like Guetzli or MozJPEG. You should also make sure that you're actually getting smaller files at the sizes you intend to use"
- VPAT® - Information Technology Industry Council
"In response to user feedback, ITI created four different editions of the VPAT, enabling ICT manufacturers and vendors to create Accessibility Conformance Reports focused on the standards relevant to specific markets and contract requirements"
- Inclusive Considerations When Restyling Form Controls ◆ 24 ways
"While styling form controls is definitely easier than it's ever been, that doesn't mean that it's at all simple, nor will it likely ever be. The level of difficulty you're going to face is going to depend entirely on what it is you're hoping to style, add-on to, or recreate."
- Microsoft Targets Better Accessibility in Chromium - Thurrott.com
"The feature is called UI Automation Providers, and it will allow Chromium-based browsers on Windows to seamlessly interact with accessibility client applications like Narrator."