Diigo Bookmarks 12/18/2018
- "For example, they may start integrating technologies for which they have exclusive, or at least 'special' access. Can you imagine if all of a sudden Google apps start performing better than anyone else's?" | Hacker News
"I very recently worked on the Edge team, and one of the reasons we decided to end EdgeHTML was because Google kept making changes to its sites that broke other browsers, and we couldn't keep up. For example, they recently added a hidden empty div over YouTube videos that causes our hardware acceleration fast-path to bail (should now be fixed in Win10 Oct update)."
- Easy Sass - Visual Studio Marketplace
"Automatically compiles SASS/SCSS files to .css and .min.css upon saving. You may also quickly compile all SCSS/SASS files in your project."
- Web Accessibility Suits & Settlements in 2018 - Maxability
"Plaintiffs filed 4965 federal ADA Title III lawsuits in first 6 months of 2018. Among this large numbers are web accessibility suits and settlements. If the trend continues, it is expected to reach 10,000 cases with an approximate increase of 30% from 2017 according to ADAtitleIII.com"
- Accessibility and Inclusion with the World's Most Popular Communication Tool: Email - 24 Accessibility
"While the technical aspects of accessibility have been more widely implemented in recent years, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done on the design, content, and strategy side of email marketing to make email campaigns truly inclusive."
- What is the Shadow DOM?
"You can think of the shadow DOM as a "DOM within a DOM". It is its own isolated DOM tree with its own elements and styles, completely isolated from the original DOM."
- What, exactly, is the DOM?
"The Document Object Model, or the "DOM", is an interface to web pages. It is essentially an API to the page, allowing programs to read and manipulate the page's content, structure, and styles."