Diigo Bookmarks 10/31/2018
- Knowbility at TPAC 2018 -- Knowbility
"EOWG discussed many topics to improve education about web accessibility. The group discussed updates to the tutorials for developers and the development of building blocks for accessibility curricula. Other topics discussed included the development of a list of UI accessible components and the implementation of translations."
- Storybook 4.0 is here! - Storybook - Medium
"Developers now have precise control of Storybook's appearance. Norbert de Langen introduced theming, which allows you to tweak styling to match your brand."
- You're using <em> wrong
"Stress emphasis is the phonetic resource of changing pitch and/or dragging the word to denote a special meaning to it. It marks a word in a way that changes the meaning of the whole sentence. It's used for a correction, clarification, sarcasm, the key part of a counter-argument, etc."
- Special Projects | Special Projects | Magic UX
"Magic UX is a new smartphone interface inspired by the physical world. It uses your view of the real world to help you navigate computer generated content in the digital world. It's a practical, subtle use of augmented reality."
- Styling better focus states • Nelo
"TLDR; :focus-visible is the keyboard-only version of :focus. Also, the W3C proposal mentions that :focus-visible should be preferred over :focus except on elements that expect a keyboard input (e.g. text field, contenteditable)."
- Scroll-linked Animations
"Defines an API and markup for creating animations that are either triggered by or tied to the scroll offset of a scroll container."