Diigo Bookmarks 10/21/2018
- Thoughts About Design Systems and Naming Things - Markus Oberlehner
"I'd argue that giving things meaningful names can save you a ton of time and headaches in the long run, especially if a lot of people work on the same codebase over several years."
- Hard Costs of Third-Party Scripts - daverupert.com
"Let's say we have a site with ~300 third-party scripts all responsibly loaded as async, what would be the User Experience costs and risks?"
- Website Accessibility Begins with Responsive Web Design
"Please hear that I'm not saying we should strip our work of design and interaction. But I desperately want us to prioritize accessibility as a fundamental value of the web over an inaccessibly designed experience."
- Favicon Checker--See how your favicon hold up across popular browsers, including native dark and light modes.
"Compare your favicons on all major web browsers, including native dark and light modes."
- Helping Designers Adhere to a Design System with Sketch
"Our design system library -- internally known as Ignite -- is built in Sketch. We selected Sketch so designs don't have to worry about compliance to the design system, instead they can focus on designing the ideal experience."
- Overlapping skills in front-end development
"CSS may (seem to) miss some of the determinism, scoping and typing that many programmming languages offer, but I believe it is precisely the lack of those sorts of things that makes it extremely accessible to learn and use."