Diigo Bookmarks 09/17/2018
- Adactio: Journal--The top four web performance challenges
"Here's the really annoying thing: when I go to performance conferences, or participate in performance discussions, you know who's nowhere to be found? The people making those third-party scripts."
- Nested Links Without Nesting Links -- Sara Soueidan - Freelance-Front-End UI/UX Developer
"You may have already noticed the major limitation to this technique: the post excerpt's text is covered by the pseudo-element, which makes that text unselectable. If you try to select the text to copy it, you won't be able to."
- Results of Japan International Birdman Rally 2018 | Japanese HPA
"Game of HPA category was cancelled after 4 flghts due to strong wind from typhoon "JONGDARI"."
- The Font Loading Checklist--zachleat.com
"Our goal as web developers is to maximize the experience and raise user expectations to the level of what the web is capable of delivering, but also to manage our performance budgets to ensure that we are fulfilling the promise of the web--it's ubiquity. This checklist should help you deliver on those two often competing ideals."
- How do you mark up an accordion? -- Sara Soueidan - Freelance-Front-End UI/UX Developer
"there are different ways for doing one thing, but as long as all these different ways offer true accessibility, then we have the freedom to choose whichever technique we like."
- The Low Hanging Fruit of Web Performance - The Media Temple Blog
"Remember this isn't a comprehensive list of performance-increasing tactics. The requisites to be on this list are that they are fairly easy to do and that have big performance returns."
- The Importance Of Manual Accessibility Testing -- Smashing Magazine
"With that out of the way, I'm going to share a fourth myth with you: not every assistive technology user is a power user. Like with any other piece of software, there's a learning curve involved."