Diigo Bookmarks 09/15/2018
- WCAG 2.1 Adoption in Europe | W3C Blog
"Unlike the prior version of EN 301 549 that included WCAG 2.0 as an 'electronic attachment', this updated version directly references WCAG 2.1. This change simplifies the document and avoids duplication of WCAG text. It also makes direct translations of WCAG even more relevant."
- Trashy.css - The throwaway CSS library with no class
"This is just a silly idea, a CSS "library" that styles tags directly -- as opposed to using class names as style hooks -- to help people become more familiar with how to use semantic HTML."
- Accessibility advice when creating a UK government consultation - Government Digital Service
"The Accessibility of public sector websites and apps: new duties and regulations, which comes into effect on 23 September, states public sector websites and apps must be accessible to all users, especially those with disabilities."
- :empty and :blank | Zell Liew
":empty is actually good enough. We don't even need :blank!"
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 -- 1.3.6 Identify Purpose -- Knowbility
"People with cognitive issues who have difficulty concentrating can benefit from practices that following this success criterion. People who need to personalize or change the content to make it easier to understand also benefit."
- Chrome's NOSCRIPT Intervention - TimKadlec.com
"Long story short, the NOSCRIPT intervention looks like a really great feature for users. More often than not it provides significant reduction in data usage, not to mention the reduction in CPU time--no small thing for the many, many people running affordable, low-powered devices."