Diigo Bookmarks 08/25/2018
- Mozilla Protocol - Protocol Design System
"Protocol is a design system for Mozilla branded websites. It establishes a common design language, provides reusable coded components, and outlines high level guidelines for content and accessibility."
- The Japanese Smart Speaker Market - Voicebot
"The Japanese culture is known to be slow to adapt to trends and the need to say "Alexa" or "OK Google" creates a temporary barrier to adoption. However, the younger generations offer great hope for massive adoption as Google and LINE spend heavily on television ads"
- Ethics in design: What exactly does that mean?
"People in the field are calling for more ethical decision-making--but it's hard to pin down what exactly that means."
- The Web I Want - DEV Community
"Remember that the goal of most websites is delivering useful textual content, and all you really need for that is HTML."
- Getting Started with Service Workers ← Alligator.io
"A Service Worker runs on a separate thread. This means you can't access many objects available in the main JavaScript thread, including access to the DOM and several APIs like XHR, or Cookies. On the plus side, any Service Worker operation can't ever block the UI thread, because it's completely separate."
- Inclusive Design: 12 Ways to Design for Everyone
"Inclusive design considers as many people's needs and abilities as possible. It goes further than accessibility, which is specifically focused on people with disabilities and how to make sites or apps usable for them."