Diigo Bookmarks 08/24/2018
- ::before vs :before | CSS-Tricks
"double-colon selectors are pseudo-elements. single-colon selectors are pseudo-selectors."
- Hey GOV.UK, what are you doing about voice? - Government Digital Service
"By using the schema.org structured data standard we can give search engines extra context to help make sense of our pages."
- Carousels on Mobile Devices
"The temptation to use a carousel to save space on a small screen can be big, yet carousel items can have little discoverability, especially when not advertised well with strong cues such as the illusion of continuity or arrows."
- Twitter Lite in the Google Play Store: now available in 45+ countries
"As mobile-first users continue to change how we use the internet, we want to make sure that Twitter is relevant, useful, and dependable. Wherever you are, we want to make Twitter your go-to place to find out what's happening."
- Firefox Identity Project | Hicks Journal
"The goal was twofold: Design a system to make all these products visually cohesive, as well as a 'masterbrand' logo and identity to encompass all the products."
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 -- 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus -- Knowbility
"The basic idea of this success criterion is to make it easier for users to interact with added content. Tooltips, drop-down menus, and popups are examples of added content."