Diigo Bookmarks 08/03/2018
- Facebook API changes mean you can no longer cross-post from Twitter
"It's not just Twitter that is affected by the changes -- the likes of IFTTT have also been hit, as Facebook tries to prevent API abuse."
- LGBTQ-inclusive web design - Axess Lab
"Accessibility and inclusive design is often focused on people with disabilities, but let's look at two concrete things you can do to make your digital products awesome from a pride perspective!"
- Supporting users who change colours on GOV.UK - Accessibility
"When overriding colours the previously invisible borders become visible, resulting in a rectangle being rendered where the triangle arrow should be."
- The First Thing That Ever Sold Online Was Pizza - The History of the Web
"If you happened to live in Santa Cruz in 1994 you could sit down at your computer, open up your favorite browser, and then go ahead and order a pizza online. You could do all of this on PizzaNet, owned and operated by Pizza Hut."
- Refresh - A fresh approach to the browser
"while the web itself has undergone big changes in the last twenty years, browsers have remained largely the same. Refresh is a concept for a modern web browser based on iOS Safari."
- Shortish note on JAWS support for regions | The Paciello Group - Your Accessibility Partner (WCAG 2.0/508 audits, VPAT, usability and accessible user experience)
"JAWS supports landmark regions, but how that support is expressed depends on the "Web Verbosity" settings in JAWS."
- The Bullshit Web -- Pixel Envy
"An honest web is one in which the overwhelming majority of the code and assets downloaded to a user's computer are used in a page's visual presentation, with nearly all the remainder used to define the semantic structure and associated metadata on the page."