Diigo Bookmarks 07/21/2018
- Fractional. -- Ethan Marcotte
"at the moment, I'm using the trusty ol' target ÷ context = result formula much, much less than I used to."
- Stuff you can do with CSS pointer events
"pointer-events is mostly used to bypass click events on an element. But did you know you can reset the pointer events of descendant elements? This allows us to do some interesting things..."
- The Holy Grail Of Reusable Components: Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, And NPM -- Smashing Magazine
"This article looks at augmenting HTML with components that have built-in functionality and styles. We'll also learn how to make these custom elements reusable across projects using NPM."
- How to Create Future-Proof Design System and Make it Easily Accessible for the Product Team
"With every push, a CI script will engage within GitLab. It automatically converts markdown files into a simple website. The site is based upon MkDocs -- a tool meant to conveniently display Markdown-written documentation."
- MkDocs
"MkDocs is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file."
- The Street Sign: Navigation and Findability | The Understanding Group
"Sites need guides, the friendly voice helping people discover spaces where they can learn, work, and play. Most sites try to do this by adding 3 major navigation strategies: directional signage, maps, and dictionaries."