Diigo Bookmarks 04/09/2018
- Hand tremors and the giant-button-problem - Axess Lab
"In this article we'll examine an overlooked accessibility problem that mainly affects users with hand tremors."
- kzahel/web-server-chrome: An HTTP Web Server for Chrome (chrome.sockets API)
"An HTTP Web Server for Chrome (chrome.sockets API)"
- Elon Mask
"Who should wear the mask? Basically, everyone. Even the richest man on the planet."
- image-rendering | CSS-Tricks
"The image-rendering property defines how the browser should render an image if it is scaled up or down from its original dimensions."
- Stop using other people's design systems - UX Collective
"no design system will work for everyone. So let's stop using other people's solutions as our own."
- Site Palette - Get the essential colours from a website
"A browser extension to generate comprehensive palettes."
- Pitfalls of Card UIs - daverupert.com
"Grid layout gets around the matching height problem superbly, but currently doesn't support the subgrid usecase. Subgrids are probably a 2020 thing."