Diigo Bookmarks 03/25/2018
- The Evolution of Tools - Airbnb Design
"Our friends at Figma recently opened up the first layer of their API to the public. Their cloud-based, multiplayer-by-default design tool is the perfect environment for considering Design Intelligence as an agent that, much like a colleague, could truly exist alongside us."
- Optimage
"Optimage uses advanced metrics to automatically adjust image quality for up to 10x smaller image files that are visually perceived as originals."
- Apple proposes 13 new emoji to represent people with disabilities - The Verge
"Apple is requesting the addition of emoji to better represent individuals with disabilities. Currently, emoji provide a wide range of options, but may not represent the experiences of those with disabilities."
- :focus-visible and backwards compatibility | The Paciello Group - Your Accessibility Partner (WCAG 2.0/508 audits, VPAT, usability and accessible user experience)
"Instead of defining traditional :focus styles, authors would use :focus-visible, and browsers (using their built-in heuristics) would only apply those styles in the same situation as the default focus styles."
- Designing Accessible Navigations - UX Planet
"By mindfully adding accessibility features to your sites like an accessibility menu, keyboard shortcuts, and robust rotor compatibility, you can ensure that you are providing the best experience to all users."
- Image Descriptions - The Who, What, Where and When (No Need for Why!) | Inclusive Publishing
"The RNIB has recently published some top tips for image description in social media but we think they are just as relevant for ebooks"