Diigo Bookmarks 03/21/2018
- Balancing Flexibility and Consistency in Design Systems
"To find the right points to enforce consistency and allow flexibility, it's important to consider the way people are using our software. User paths and workflows are good signals for where to be rigid and where to bend."
- Designing Button States - Cloud Four
"These outlines can sometimes feel inconsistent with a project's visual styles, which is why they're frequently disabled... leaving many users in the dark."
- CSS in the Age of React: How We Traded the Cascade for Consistency
"1. Basic components for HTML tags that would handle baseline styles for browser resets. 2. Components for our design system that abstract away the underlying DOM elements and expose a predetermined set of styles for developers to use."
- Why Performance Matters | Web Fundamentals | Google Developers
"Performance issues are variable. At best, slow sites and applications incur trivial delays that impede users for only briefly annoying moments. At their worst, they're completely inaccessible, unresponsive to user input, or both."
- Easing Gradients
"Linear gradients often have hard edges where they start and/or end. We can avoid those by controlling the color mix with easing functions."
- Adding favicons in a multi-browser multi-platform world - mobiForge
"You're probably thinking all of this is a little bit mad! It kind of is. It's the the result of multiple platforms with varying degress of standardisation and proprietary formats thrown in for good mix."