Diigo Bookmarks 03/19/2018
- Tips For Conducting Usability Studies With Participants With Disabilities -- Smashing Magazine
"Ensure a baseline level of accessibility before usability testing: Planning usability testing, especially recruiting participants can take time both for the project team and the recruited participants."
- Design Language System - UX Planet
"Design Language System: It is a set of rules or guidelines that heightens the level of harmony in a digital ecosystem."
- User-Centered Web Development · Jens Oliver Meiert
"Developer experience (and developer usability, as suggested in Principles of Web Development) matters, but ultimately we as developers do have users, and our work should reflect that."
- Theming With Variables: Globals and Locals | CSS-Tricks
"Global variables will give us consistency across components. Component variables will give us granularity and isolation."
- A Guide to Information Architecture - Prototypr
"With IA available, it becomes significantly easier to make key decisions for new features and implementations, to understand timelines for product changes, and to follow user behavior through multiple processes."
- GSS Grid Application Layout in Production - commercetools tech
"Another quirk we've encountered in IE11 is that for some reason the <main> element is not supported as a grid child. The solution is to fallback to a <div> with role="main", which keeps the HTML5 semantics and allows us to place the main container in the grid in IE11."