Diigo Bookmarks 03/10/2018
- Endangered.photo | Placeholders for web and design to save animals
"This is a quick and easy to use service to place pictures of endangered species as placeholder in your design or code."
- Standardizing lessons learned from AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages Project
"We are taking what we learned from AMP, and are working on web standards that will allow instant loading for non-AMP web content."
- Text Splitting Causes Screen Reader Problems - Axess Lab
"It should be read as one object, as the link-element is wrapping both the link name and the icon-span. But VoiceOver interprets it as two different objects if I touch the right span, rendering me confused."
- We Write CSS Like We Did in the 90s, and Yes, It's Silly · An A List Apart Article
"Sort declarations alphabetically. / Use an existing order system or standardize and follow a new selector order system. / Try to use declarations just once."
- How to use client hints to deliver responsive images - and why we should all soon be doing it
"The responsive images spec is a huge step forward, but the complexity and the occasional shortcomings highlight the difficulty of trying to cater for every eventuality. So perhaps the better option is to deal with all this server side."
- Web Performance of the World's Top 100 E-Commerce Sites in 2018
"Although the fastest page today is 0.133 seconds faster than the fastest e-commerce page in 2016, the average page load time has actually increased by 0.16 seconds."
- Google's updated SERP snippet length: What should be your SEO strategy now? | Search Engine Watch
"Google is not displaying the page's actual meta description as the SERP snippet for these specific listings for this specific query, even when the meta description is specified in the HTML, but instead is being pulled directly from the text that appears at or near the top of the page."
- Ebook Accessibility: Here's What You Might Be Missing - EPUBSecrets
"Here's where I think a lot of ebook trouble comes from: book people (not web developers) are required to make ebooks. They don't know HTML all that well and assume InDesign won't betray them."