Diigo Bookmarks 01/21/2018
- jbtronics/CrookedStyleSheets: Webpage tracking only using CSS (and no JS)
"Proof of concept for website tracking/analytics using only CSS and without JavaScript."
- Home | Laws of UX
"Laws of UX is a collection of the key maxims that designers must consider when building user interfaces."
- Web Trend Map 2018 - iA
"The Web has lost its spirit. The Web is no longer a distributed Web. It is, ironically, a couple of big tubes that belong to a handful of companies. Mainly Google (search), Facebook (social) and Amazon (e-commerce)."
- Styling your H5s and H6s | Sparkbox | Web Design and Development
"HTML gives us six levels of headings to use in our webpages. Many pages don't need that much hierarchy, so it's easy to forget about styling the headings beyond h3 or h4."
- Adactio: Journal--Heisenberg
"If you need to have advertising, that doesn't mean you need to have horribly bloated JavaScript-based advertising. If you need analytics, that doesn't mean you need an analytics script on your front end."
- Adele - Design Systems and Pattern Libraries Repository
"Dozens of design systems and pattern libraries thoroughly analyzed. Learn, enjoy, contribute!"