Diigo Bookmarks 12/29/2017
- LukeW | An Event Apart: The Case for Progressive Web Apps
"Really great PWAs will get some of these details right. For instance, cache for performance and offline fallback? Cache recently viewed content for offline use?"
- Performance Calendar » Performance insurance
"We are talking a lot about performance, how it can be improved, which tools to use for performance improvements but less about how to keep reached performance on a proper level. So, let's take a look at tools which can help you to do so."
- GIT PURR! Git Commands Explained with Cats! - GirlieMac! Blog
"Now I created the git doodles. With cats."
- Building Better UI Designs With Layout Grids -- Smashing Magazine
"Grids help designers to build better products by tying different design elements together to achieve effective hierarchy, alignment and consistency, with little effort. If executed properly, your designs will appear thoughtful and organized."
- How should we resolve percentage margins and padding on grid and flex items?
"One reason to follow the Chrome behaviour here is that it allows the percentage-based padding "aspect ratio hack" to work on flex and grid items."
- CSS Grid Layout: How to Use minmax() - Hongkiat
"The minmax() function is one of these less widely known features. It makes it possible to define the size of a grid track as a minimum to maximum range so that the grid can adapt to the viewport of each user the best possible way."