Diigo Bookmarks 12/28/2017
- Typography in Design Systems - Ether - Medium
"Typography is a core aspect of every design system, but also one of the most fragile and overlooked--here's how we make sure our typographic systems can stand up to change at scale."
- Better viewport clamping with position sticky by Keith Clark
"setting position to sticky will render an element statically until it's bounding box exceeds a predefined area of a scrollable parent element or the viewport, at which point the element becomes fixed. However -- unlike an element positioned using the fixed value -- the space occupied by the element in the document doesn't collapse."
- Performance Calendar » 3 Tips for Faster Font Loading
"Save-Data is sent by select browsers when users have specified in their preferences that they would prefer applications deliver a lighter experience."
- Review Of Popular Interface Design Trends In 2017 | Tubik Studio
"Here we've gathered the collection of trends which won the big place in web and mobile interfaces of 2017 supporting most of them by designs from Tubik team."
- Why Web Performance Matters for Marketers - Rigor
"Slow website performance increasingly impacts companies' ability to translate their marketing budget into qualified leads and online sales."
- Blurred Images Are Everywhere
"before the most popular browser in the world implements a good image down-sampling algorithm, we can use webkit-optimize-contrast property, which allows visitors to our sites to enjoy our photos, discern item details in our online shop, and appreciate readability of our screenshots and diagrams."