Diigo Bookmarks 12/13/2017
- Japan International Birdman Rally 2018 is looking for participants! | Japanese HPA
"The 41 st JIBR will consist of "The Glider division" and "The Distance division by human-powered propeller aircraft"."
- Reviewing the most popular UI design tools in 2017
"Using the right tool can improve your productivity by an order of magnitude. Learn more about the most popular UI design tools in 2017 in our latest review."
- Design tools are missing the point - Designer News
"TLDR: I think we need states in UI design tools. Layer comps were a good thing, just need to make them work nicer and use them for for animation and prototyping."
- The WHATWG Blog -- Further working mode changes
"The organizations behind the four major integrated browser engines -- Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla -- have developed an Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy and governance structure for the WHATWG."
- WCAG 2.1 and Silver (AG): What is Next for Accessibility Guidelines - 24 Accessibility
"Remember, WCAG 2.1 will be in addition to WCAG 2.0, so everything you already know and do to meet WCAG 2.0 will still be valid and necessary. WCAG 2.1 may add 20 new success criteria to fill in known gaps, especially in the areas of mobile, cognitive and low vision."
- Shifting from Fear to Motivation when Talking about Digital Accessibility Law - 24 Accessibility
"Putting people at the center of accessibility also explains why the law is part of the digital accessibility landscape. And it helps us speak of the law as a motivator for good, instead of a hammer designed for annoyance (or worse)."