Diigo Bookmarks 11/19/2017
- Self-Publishing a Book for Fun and Profit | Brad Frost
"while reading a book online is possible, it's not exactly an ideal format for long-form reading. Paperback and ebooks often provide much better experiences. So the combination works out: free online for reach and paid paperback & ebook for reading experience."
- Relative Requirements - CSS Wizardry - CSS Architecture, Web Performance Optimisation, and more, by Harry Roberts
"The aim with Relative Requirements is to take all of the possible traits a project may have (performance, accessibility, visual design, etc.) and give them a relative grading against each other."
- Each screen isn't a special snowflake: Brad Frost on design systems
"A successful design system strikes a balance between 2 perspectives: a high-level, system-wide perspective and an in-the-weeds, product-specific perspective. Specific user needs must be balanced with the fact these solutions need to be shared across different products."
- Why a pattern library? It's all about making life easier | Boston.gov
"In short, a pattern library contains all the design elements used to build websites and applications. These elements can be used and reused as much as needed, operating within a system that recognizes their global or universal utility."
- Teletype for Atom
"There's no centralized server to spy on your keystrokes, and Teletype uses WebRTC to encrypt all communication between collaborators. What happens in the portal stays in the portal."
- Take control of your scroll: customizing pull-to-refresh and overflow effects | Web | Google Developers
"The overscroll-behavior property is a new CSS feature that controls the behavior of what happens when you over-scroll a container (including the page itself)."