Diigo Bookmarks 10/24/2017
- Hey, can you 'do the UX' for us? - uxdesign.cc
"John has 8 UXs in their bag and gives 3 to Joe. How many UXs does John have left?"
- A simple approach to improving form design | Clearleft
"This post explains a simple technique for getting more people to complete your forms and provide the information you require."
- 5 Reasons Against Resets, Normalizers, Reboots · Jens Oliver Meiert
"Reset or normalizer because it makes no difference: Everything is supposed to look somewhat the same before any branded styling is applied, that's the idea. The problem? Resets and normalizers (and reboots) aren't needed at all. They never were."
- Trends that exclude - Axess Lab
"Jumping on a new trend is risky business, both in fashion and web design! Here is why trends often hurt the user experience and exclude users with disabilities. I'll also go through what you can do to avoid this from happening."
- Redesigning Adobe's File Type Icon System Language - Anny Chen - Medium
"One of the main drivers behind the redesign was to simplify and remove as many elements on the file type icon without losing its significance. We dropped the tag, and moved the file type mime to the bottom of the icon. We also removed the page curl to flatten the design and create a more modern visual language."
- A Look Back at the History of CSS | CSS-Tricks
"CSS is a declarative programming language. When we write CSS, we don't tell the browser exactly how to render a page. Instead, we describe the rules for our HTML document one by one and let browsers handle the rendering."