Diigo Bookmarks 09/10/2017
LEGO Ideas - NASA Space Shuttle (Saturn V Scale)
"Over half a meter tall, this Space Shuttle is in scale to the Lego Saturn V, and would make the perfect companion piece."
"One of the core tenets of UX is that you've got to design like "the user is drunk." Any feature of your site has to be able to be used by someone who could be drunk - because, invariably, the user will mess it up otherwise. Wonderful idea. The thing is, it is hard to test. I and a lot of beer will test this for you."
Where in the World is Mobile Development? - Stack Overflow Blog
"Countries with lower GDP per capita visit substantially more Android than countries with high GDP per capita. There are exceptions (Japan and South Korea visit more Android than the hypothesis would expect), but overall the correlation is strong"
Critical Path CSS Generator - Prioritize above the fold content :: SiteLocity
"It was build to automatically generate the Critical Path CSS for your website and to also generate a single minified CSS file from all the CSS files your website uses."
"A new feature Eye Control implements incredible eye tracking technology that lets you type, and operate a mouse just using your eyes, this is life changing technology for those with Lou Gehrig’s disease. This is real advancement in accessibility that we are introducing to the world with the Fall Creators Update."
How not to break the Guardian website | Developer blog | Info | The Guardian
"This flexibility helps each team or individual contributor develop their idea quickly, iterate it, and improve it. But it raises the question of reliability: how can we minimise coding errors while developing at a rapid pace?"