Diigo Bookmarks 09/07/2017
Colorblind Accessibility on the Web – Fail and Success Cases - Axess Lab
"It’s Colorblind Awareness Day today! To celebrate, we raise awareness by giving you some practical examples of how design can hurt or help users with color vision deficiencies."
"Pixelmator Pro is an image editor packed full of innovations. From a reimagined editing workflow and simplified editing tools to machine learning powering all-new, intelligent image editing features. So the tools at your fingertips are smarter and more powerful, yet more intuitive and easier to use than ever before."
The state of UX according to autocomplete – uxdesign.cc
"It’s 2017 and the good old “UX is not UI” debate still seems very popular."
UI Sounds: From Zero To Hero | Icons8 Blog
"In order to be successful in finding good sounds for your project, let’s explore what kinds of sounds are there, what their functions are, and where we actually need to use them."
New in Chrome 61 | Web | Google Developers
"Chrome now supports the WebUSB API, allowing web apps to communicate with USB devices, after the user has provided their consent."
Introducing visualViewport | Web | Google Developers
"visualViewport can be used to improve accessibility. For instance, if the user is zooming in, you may choose to hide decorative position: fixed items, to get them out of the user's way. But again, be careful you're not hiding something the user is trying to get a closer look at."