Diigo Bookmarks 08/15/2017
And You Thought Buttons Were Easy? – EightShapes – Medium
"If buttons cost a million dollars, how much do our complicated components like header, cards, data grids, and modals cost? It’s not hard to imagine that they could cost millions of dollars each."
A design system manager for Sketch
"Add your design system to Lingo, share it with your team and ensure everyone uses the right Symbols, Text Styles, Layer Styles, Artboards, Groups and Layers."
Inaccessible YouTube Embeds | Adrian Roselli
"Most of us in the accessibility biz (do we call it that? I think we call it that…) already know that YouTube’s default embed code is problematic. Specifically, the fact that the <iframe> does not have a title attribute is an automatic WCAG 2.0 AA failure."
The Nine Principles Of Design Implementation – Smashing Magazine
"Much like the universal principles of design or Nielsen’s usability heuristics, we need something to guide the way we implement design without telling us exactly how to do it. To bridge this gap, I’ve compiled nine principles of design implementation."
Shadow DOM: fast and encapsulated styles – Monica Dinculescu
"On the web, there’s two kinds of encapsulation we might want: style encapsulation (an element’s styles don’t leak outside) and DOM encapsulation (an element’s internal implementation isn’t visible). This post talks about style encapsulation"
Web fonts: when you need them, when you don’t – Hacker Noon
"I’m not a fan of sweeping statements like you “should” or “shouldn’t” use web fonts, but I think there should be some sort of guidelines to help people decide whether or not to use them."