Diigo Bookmarks 08/14/2017
JavaScript and SEO: The Difference Between Crawling and Indexing - State of Digital
"If you care about SEO, less JavaScript means more efficiency. And more efficiency means higher rankings. Where you place your emphasis will determine the road you should embark on. Good luck."
Starting a Design System – EightShapes – Medium
"the system’s promise isn’t a delivered library. The system’s promise is enabling a consistent experience spread across products and sustained with a dependable, predictable practice."
Coherent, Not Consistent – uxdesign.cc
"Coherence means making sure every part of your product feels like it belongs there, instead of trying to make them exactly the same."
Proposal to Republish Previous Versions of HTML and XHTML as Obsolete Recommendations | W3C News
"An obsolete specification is one that the W3C community has decided should no longer be used. For example, it may no longer represent best practices, or it may not have received wide adoption and is not apparently likely to be adopted in the future. "
"Interfaces that break too many rules may win design awards, but they’ll also alienate users."
More CSS Charts, with Grid & Custom Properties | CSS-Tricks
"Robin's approach relies on a large Sass loop to generate 100 potential class-names, even though less than 12 are used in the final chart. In production we'll want something more direct and performant, with better semantics, so I turned to definition lists and CSS Variables (aka Custom Properties) to build my charts."