Diigo Bookmarks 08/10/2017
After a 23-Year Wait, WebVR Ships Today – Mozilla Tech – Medium
"I am incredibly pleased that we’re shipping the latest version of Firefox today with WebVR support for Windows headset users. It’s fulfilling a dream many of us have shared for a very long time: to put virtual reality (VR) content on the web so anyone can interact with, build and enjoy it."
Resolving CSS Gridlock · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer
"What problems does Grid solve that float-based solutions can't? How can Grid be used responsibly to really enhance a design? And ultimately: how does the use of Grid benefit the user?"
"Let’s take lawyers out of the web accessibility equation. Money is better spent on web developers, designers, user experience folks and others who can make the web (and mobile!) available to all."
"Inside Mozilla, CEO Chris Beard and his team are preparing to outmaneuver Google’s Chrome browser. The battle begins in November, with their release of Firefox 57."
World’s blind population to triple by 2050: study - Livemint
"Researchers led by Anglia Ruskin University in the UK analysed the prevalence of blindness and vision impairment in 188 countries between 1990 and 2015, as well as providing projections for 2020 and 2050."
The Best Way to Implement a "Wrapper" in CSS | CSS-Tricks
"In programming languages, the word container is generally used for structures that can contain more than one element. A wrapper, on the other hand, is something that wraps around a single object to provide more functionality and interface to it."