Diigo Bookmarks 07/25/2017
Testing the accessibility of pattern libraries
"Although claiming a site meets the WCAG2 criteria has to be based on research of full pages, there are lots of things you can figure out and tackle while working on components with mock data."
How We Got the Favicon - The History of the Web
"Microsoft’s original intention was to have one image for favorites (a shortcut) and one for elsewhere (an icon). The feature got pushed through before it could move through the W3C, but it never fully came to fruition."
Enhancing CSS Layout: From Floats To Flexbox To Grid – Smashing Magazine
"One of the great things about grid (and flexbox, too, by the way) is that certain properties lose their power if they’re applied to a flex or grid item. float, for example, has no effect if the element it’s applied to is within a grid container."
Despacito Websites – Hrvoje Dominko – Medium
"My dear friend and mentor Mario Šestak has a saying, which I think really captures the essence of a problem that I’m trying to illustrate here: “Don’t just blindly copy design elements, copy the principles.”"
Getting it right: why infographics are not the same as data visualizations
"Infographics tell a premeditated story to guide the audience to conclusions (subjective). Data visualizations let the audience draw their own conclusions (objective)."
How to identify Good Design in 6 steps – Muzli -Design Inspiration
"In a nutshell, good design has more than what meets the eye, it’s not only about how it looks, but a combination of a series of thoughtful decisions that are made with the end user/viewer in mind."