Diigo Bookmarks 07/15/2017
"shown here (after diff’ing plenty of screenshots with the wonderful Resemble.js), should allow us to see why resets aren’t just theoretically but quite very practically silly: What they do we often do anyway, or can we easily achieve with one or two declarations instead of an entire extra style sheet."
Introducing The Website Speed Test Image Analysis Tool – Smashing Magazine
"The first and most important thing you can do to improve the performance of your website’s images is figure out how to measure them."
amp-bind brings flexible interactivity to AMP pages – Accelerated Mobile Pages Project
"Today we’d like to highlight that amp-bind is generally available and take a deeper dive into the feature, in order to give you a sense of just how much this expands AMP support—especially for e-commerce."
Join the Battle for Net Neutrality
"Comcast, Verizon and AT&T want to end net neutrality so they can charge extra fees & control what we see & do online. On July 12, we organized over 2,000,000 comments to stop them. This is a battle for the Internet's future."
"Be careful when you use the aria-label, aria-labelledby, and aria-describedby attributes, because they do not work consistently with all HTML elements. This is a short note on when (and when not) to use those attributes."
(Now More Than Ever) You Might Not Need jQuery | CSS-Tricks
"Browsers continue to implement new APIs that take the pain away from library-free development, many of them directly copied from jQuery."