Diigo Bookmarks 06/29/2017
Stickybits: an alternative to `position: sticky` polyfills | CSS-Tricks
"Stickybits, with the additional useStickyClasses: true property set will add sticky and stuck classes when elements become sticky or stuck. This makes it easy to hook up CSS styles based on when the selected element become static, sticky or stuck."
10 Tips On Typography in Web Design – UX Planet
"In other words: optimizing your typography also optimizes your user interface. In this article, I will provide a set of rules that help you improve readability and legibility of your text content."
The WHATWG Blog — The Developer’s Edition of HTML makes a comeback
"now, the developer's edition is integrated into our build process and editing workflow, and will forever remain synchronized with the HTML Standard itself."
How to adopt an iterative approach to user Interface UI design
"It is hardly surprising that the old models of building websites are breaking down. It is no longer enough just to pour content into design templates or for designers to throw UI designs over the wall to developers. Everything is too interconnected for that."
Tips for making accessibility a core design principle
"Accessibility pioneer Léonie Watson quizzes some of the web industry's most knowledgeable experts for their thoughts on making websites and apps more accessible"
"For the new Espresso, we changed our versioning and licensing approach with more consistent pricing and a simpler development timeline: “X+1”."